August N.E.W.T.s Readathon TBR

This past month I participated (very late) in the Harry Potter themed O.W.L.s readathon that G from Book Roast hosted back in April. The reason I completed my O.W.L.s so late was due to the fact that I wanted to participate in the next level known as the N.E.W.T.s in August.

I won’t go into detail about the readathon, but I will link the announcement video here so that you guys can hear about all the rules and challenges from G herself. I would however like to point out four important facts:

1. In order to participate in the N.E.W.T.s readathon you will have had to already completed your O.W.L.s.
2. You can only participate in the subjects/challenges in which you passed/completed during the first readathon. So, for example, I attempted to complete six challenges but only finished four. Therefore, I can only participate in those four challenges in which I passed.
3. There are three possible levels/grades per subject and you can only do one level/grade at a time. It doesn’t make much sense now, but once you read how the challenges are formatted I think you will start to understand what I mean.
4. You must get at least one Outstanding and you must pass at least two subjects. Getting an outstanding means that you did all three challenges for one subject. Again, I know this sounds like gibberish right now, but keep reading and you will soon get it.

The four subjects/challenges that I passed during my O.W.L.s and will attempt to complete for my N.E.W.T.s are:

1. Arithmancy: This is the only subject I am shooting for an Outstanding in.
Acceptable: read a book with at least 300 pages.
    Exceeded Expectations: read a book that ends on an even numbered page.
    Outstanding: read a book that’s not the first in a series.
2. Astronomy: I am aiming for an Acceptable.
    Acceptable: read a book with stars on the cover.
3. Herbology: I am aiming to receive both an Acceptable and Exceeded Expectations.
Acceptable: read a book with a green cover.
    Exceeded Expectations: 
read a book with illustrations.
3. Muggle Studies: My goal is to get an Acceptable.
    Acceptable: read a book from a favorite author.

For a complete list of all the subjects and challenges you can check out the document that Book Roast put together here.

Phew! I think that’s everything! Let’s get started!

Going in the order I plan on reading them, starting with the book I intend to read first.

1. Treasure Island
by: Robert Louis Stevenson
Subject: Arithmancy
Challenge: Read a book with at least 300 pages
Grade: Acceptable

Treasure Island is a story that follows young Jim Hawkins as he discovers a map to the fabled Treasure Island. Along the way Jim runs into many obstacles such as wild beasts, deadly savages, and to top it all off the most infamous pirate to sail the seven seas. At 320 pages this gorgeous edition of Treasure Island just passes the 300 page mark, making it the perfect choice for my first challenge.

2. Autumn Story
by: Jill Barklem
Subject: Arithmancy
Challenge: Read a book that ends on an even numbered page
Grade: Exceeded Expectations

After completing Treasure Island, the next book I plan to pick up is this third book in the Brambly Hedge series titled Autumn Story. The Brambly Hedge series includes some of the most beautiful illustrations I have ever come across in a children’s book. Jill Barklem’s artwork is perfectly reminiscent of the world of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. Each book in this series takes place during a different season. The first one being Spring and the second, Summer. This sequel follows the mice as they scramble to prepare the autumn crops and finish harvesting before the rain begins. The story mainly focuses on a character known as Primrose, who gets lost in a cornfield and struggles to find her way home before it’s too late. I imagine it will take me no more than 10 minutes to read as it is full of illustrations, not to mentions the book itself contains only 32 pages–an even number.

3. Ozma of Oz
by: L. Frank Baum
Subject: Arithmancy
Challenge: Read a book that’s not the first in a series.
Grade: Outstanding

Following my completion of Autumn Story, the next book I plan to read is the third book in this five book bind up of The Wizard of Oz series titled Ozma of Oz. I was originally planning on reading Ozma of Oz this past month for the charms section of my O.W.L.s. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get to it. I do however, plan on reading it this month in order to complete the third challenge in the Arithmancy section of my N.E.W.Ts.

I think everyone knows what The Wizard of Oz is about by now, and I don’t want to spoil anyone with a synopsis considering this is a sequel, but I will say we meet some familiar characters and discover new lands in this third story.

4. Two on a Tower
by: Thomas Hardy
Subject: Astronomy
Challenge: Read a book with stars on the cover.
Grade: Acceptable

After I complete the Arithmancy portion of my N.E.W.T.s, I will then move onto Astronomy. I included Two on a Tower in July’s TBR, but after starting it and realizing what a quick read it would be, I decided to save it for the N.E.W.T.s readathon. Two on a Tower is the perfect choice for the Astronomy challenge because not only does it have stars on the cover, but I believe I will also be able to fly through this one in no time.

Two on a Tower is a love story that follows a man and woman who are 10 years apart in age. They meet for the first time in a column that is eventually converted into an astronomy tower, and continue to have an affair that is kept a secret due to the judgment of others.

5. The Wind in the Willows
by: Kenneth Grahame
Subject: Herbology
Challenge: Read a book with a green cover
Grade: Acceptable

For the first challenge in the Herbology portion, I am giving myself two options. My first choice is The Wind in the Willows because it is a fairly short read at just 256 pages. Considering the brief length of this book, as well as the fact that it is a children’s classic,  I have no doubt in my mind that I will be able to fly through it in no time.

The Wind in the Willows follows a mole, badger, toad and other characters as they go on an adventure in the river as well as the wild wood. Along the way the become the best of friends, and of course high jinks ensue. This will  be my first time reading The Wind in the Willows, and I am so excited. I have been recommended this book countless times, so I can’t wait to tell you what my thoughts are.

6. The Hobbit
by: J.R.R. Tolkien
Subject: Herbology
Challenge: Read a book with a green cover
Grade: Acceptable

My backup and second choice for the first Herbology challenge is The Hobbit. I have yet to read this series and have gotten scolded many times for not picking it up, so I think it’s high time that I do so. I was able to snag a copy of this gorgeous cloth bound, illustrated edition which I think will make my reading experience go by a lot quicker.

The Hobbit follows Bilbo Baggins who lives a very comfortable life in his hobbit hole. That is, until one day a great and powerful wizard known as Gandalf shows up at his doorstep and swoops him away onto an adventure involving dragons, treasure, and so much more.

7. Snow and Rose
by: Emily Winfield Martin
Subject: Herbology
Challenge: Read a book with illustrations
Grade:  Exceeded Expectations

As with the first challenge, I have two possible choices for the second challenge in the Herbology portion of the N.E.W.T.s. The goal is to read an illustrated book and Snow and Rose has plenty of those to go around.

Snow and Rose is a Middle Grade retelling of the Snow White and Rose Red fairy tale. The story follows sisters Snow and Rose after their father disappears in the woods and their mother falls into a deep sorrow. The enchanted woods is under a set of terrible spells, and it is up to Snow and Rose to break them.

8. Monstress Vol. 1
by: Marjorie M. Liu
Subject: Herbology
Challenge: Read a book with illustrations
Grade:  Exceeded Expectations

If I find that I am running out of time to complete this second Herbology challenge, instead of picking up Snow and Rose my backup is the above graphic novel called Monstress.

Monstress takes place in an alternate 1900’s Asia where women are the rulers. The protagonist is a teenager who has a psychic connection with a monster of tremendous power. The synopsis honestly had me sold at the part that said women are the rulers. It also helps that there is some pretty awesome artwork in this as well.

9. Anne of the Island
by: L.M. Montgomery
Subject: Muggle Studies
Challenge: Read a book from a favorite author
Grade: Acceptable

Muggle Studies is the last subject I plan to get to. I’m considering it my last resort challenge. In other words, this is the challenge I plan on getting to if I have the time. Hopefully I will, but I don’t think it’s very likely.

Anne of the Island is the third book in the Anne of Green Gables series. As per usual, for the sake of not spoiling anyone I wont go into the synopsis at all, really.  I will say that I loved the first two books and simply cannot wait to find out where the third one goes.

I hope you enjoyed reading my August TBR!

Until next time,

One thought on “August N.E.W.T.s Readathon TBR

  1. Pingback: August N.E.W.T.s Readathon Wrap-up | The Garden of Read-En

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