Black Moon- Zodiac #3 (Spoiler Free Review)

Black Moon
By: Romina Russell

Goodreads Rating: 4.31

Pages: 320

Format: Hardcover

First Edition Published: December 6th 2016

Buy: Book Depository | Amazon

Goodreads Synopsis

One final secret stands between Rho and the enemy. But will the devastating truth be enough to destroy her first?

Rho, the courageous visionary from House Cancer, lost nearly everything when she exposed and fought against the Marad, a mysterious terrorist group bent on destroying balance in the Zodiac Galaxy. Now, the Marad has disappeared without a trace, and an uneasy peace has been declared in the Zodiac Galaxy.

But Rho is suspicious. She believes the Master is still out there in some other form. And looming over all are the eerie visions of her mother, who died many years ago, but is now appearing to Rho in the stars.

When news of a stylish new political party supported by her best friend, Nishi, sends Rho on another journey across the galaxy, she uses it as an opportunity to hunt the hidden master and seek out information about her mother. And what she uncovers sheds light on the truth–but casts darkness upon the entire Zodiac world.

The Review

“We want to create a model of Zodiac living where we aren’t segregated by race. A system where we can just be a collection of individuals working together and celebrating a variety of cultures. A world where choice out-weighs chance, where a man can change the stars.

And we’ve named this new world Black Moon.”

Black Moon is the third book in the Zodiac series by Romina Russell. Although this is a spoiler free review, there will however, be spoilers for the previous two books, Wandering Star and Zodiac. If you are interested in reading my review for either of those books, you can find them here.

The plot picks up two months after the conclusion of book two. Rho has taken on her role as Wandering Star and is currently on House Scorpio investigating possible threats to the Zodiac Galaxy. The Marad terrorist group we read about in the previous two books has completely fallen of the grid, and now Rho is doing the best she can to figure out what the Zodiac’s next move should be.

Rho has premonitions that the Marad is still around and just waiting to strike next. While she is trying to warn everyone, as with book one and two, nobody seems to believe her. Meanwhile, a new hip political group is forming called the Tomorrow Party–which Rho’s friend Nishi is in the center of. The Tomorrow Party is all about promoting equality of all the Zodiac houses, and has envisioned a world where everyone can live together as one. Royal balls are held, speeches are made, kissing occurs, and in the midst of it all, everyone is completely oblivious to what is truly happening behind the scenes. I like to call this part of the book, ‘the calm before the storm’.

“’Why Black Moon?’ I whisper.

‘It’s a term for when there’s more than one new moon in a month,’ she says softly. ‘So we’re thinking of it as a chance for new beginning.’”

The world building in the Zodiac series just seems to keep expanding with each new book. The descriptions of each House–in particular House Scorpio–are completely breathtaking. Scorpio is this underwater world where it’s inhabitants have adapted by developing characteristics such as transparent skin and red eyes. The thought that went into each House in the Zodiac universe is just incredible.

 “The only way to have a just society is to remember each other. Down to the very last individual, without discounting any person or population, without ignoring people we would rather not see, even those whose values we revile. Do you  think this is possible for any civilization to accomplish?”

In terms of pacing, Black Moon is a little slower than the second book Wandering Star, but the writing as well as the intense cliffhanger does manage to make up for it. The plotting was also on point, as we see details from the first two books come back in this third installment.

The big problem that I had with the last book, Wandering Star regarding Rho’s love situation was quickly overcome in Black Moon. I am not the biggest fan of love triangles, especially since the person I am rooting for never wins the girl/boy’s heart. In this third book however, we get to see Rho finally come to a decision.

Overall, Black Moon was another kick butt addition to the Zodiac series. It ended on such a cliff hanger that I immediately had the desire to pick up the fourth book and conclusion, Thirteen Rising. The only reason I didn’t give this fourth installment five stars is because the pacing wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. The writing was beautiful however, and Rho’s character growth was also on point. As always though, it’s Romina Russell’s incredible world-building skills that sets her apart.

I hope you enjoyed reading this review!

Until next time,


flower rating-01flower rating-01flower rating-01flower rating-01flower rating half 2-01 (4.5)

Of Poseidon (Spoiler Free Review)

Of Poseidon
By: Anna Banks
Goodreads Rating: 4.03

Pages: 327

Format: Hardcover

First Edition Published: 2012

Buy: Book Depository | Amazon

Goodreads Synopsis

Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he’s heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen—literally, ouch!—both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma’s gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom…

Told from both Emma and Galen’s points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.

The Review

“Morning tide makes a great companion when you don’t want to be around people. It soothes and comforts and doesn’t ask for anything. But the sun does. The higher it gets, the more I am reminded that nothing stops time. There is no escaping it.”

Of Poseidon by Anna Banks is an entertaining sea tale that follows two characters from two completely different worlds, and the search to find the one who has the gift of Poseidon.

Our story opens up on a sunny beach in Florida where our two main characters run into eachother–quite literally. Emma is with her friend Chloe during their summer vacation when they meet Galen for the first time. Galen is the prince of the Syrena (aka mermaids) as well as the ambassador to humans. Basically, what that means is Galen goes on land every so often to trade and get information about humans and then reflects what he learns to the Syrena population. This time, Galen is sent to land to find the girl who he’s heard can talk to fish (aka the gift of Poseidon).

Banks tells the story in first person point of view from the perspective of both Galen and Emma. I have to admit how much I love when a narrative is told in dual perspective. It especially works in the case of this tale in particular. If we would have gotten only Emma’s point of view, it honestly would have felt like something was missing.

I think the best part of Of Poseidon was reading about the characters and their relationship to one another. I also loved seeing how Emma grew throughout the story from a nervous teenager to someone who is more sure of herself and who she is as a person. The fact that she and Galen’s sister Rena started off hating each other and eventually grew to have each other’s back was also a definite plus.

One detail I was not expecting, was to laugh out loud as much as I did. There were times when I would read a sentence and burst out laughing and my significant other would look at me like I was crazy. I often find that it’s easy to make a person cry when writing a story but what it comes down to is if an author can make the reader laugh–now that’s something to be said for.

In terms of pacing, the story moved right along at an advanced pace. I found myself at times not being able to put the book down because I wanted to know what happens next. Almost every chapter left me wanting more, and I think the easy to read writing style Banks has really helped with that.

The best part about this book was the ending. It ended on such a cliffhanger that I immediately wanted to start the sequel, Of Triton. I won’t spoil the ending because this is indeed a spoiler free review but I will say that it will definitely leave you wanting more.

Overall, Of Poseidon was an amazing story. It is a quick read and although it is technically a fantasy because mermaids and such, it reads more like a contemporary than anything. If I had the option to change one thing about the story as I whole I don’t think I would. I loved it just as it is.

I hope you enjoyed reading this review!

Until next time,



flower ratingflower ratingflower ratingflower ratingflower rating (5)

Zodiac (Spoiler Free Review)

By: Romina Russell

Goodreads Rating: 3.72

Pages: 439

Format: Paperback

First Edition Published: December 9th 2016

Buy: Book Depository | Amazon

Goodreads Synopsis

At the dawn of time, there were 13 Houses in the Zodiac Galaxy. Now only 12 remain….

Rhoma Grace is a 16-year-old student from House Cancer with an unusual way of reading the stars. While her classmates use measurements to make accurate astrological predictions, Rho can’t solve for ‘x’ to save her life—so instead, she looks up at the night sky and makes up stories.

When a violent blast strikes the moons of Cancer, sending its ocean planet off-kilter and killing thousands of citizens—including its beloved Guardian—Rho is more surprised than anyone when she is named the House’s new leader. But, a true Cancerian who loves her home fiercely and will protect her people no matter what, Rho accepts.

Then, when more Houses fall victim to freak weather catastrophes, Rho starts seeing a pattern in the stars. She suspects Ophiuchus—the exiled 13th Guardian of Zodiac legend—has returned to exact his revenge across the Galaxy. Now Rho—along with Hysan Dax, a young envoy from House Libra, and Mathias, her guide and a member of her Royal Guard—must travel through the Zodiac to warn the other Guardians.

But who will believe anything this young novice says? Whom can Rho trust in a universe defined by differences? And how can she convince twelve worlds to unite as one Zodiac?

Embark on a dazzling journey with ZODIAC, the first novel in an epic sci-fi-meets-high-fantasy series set in a galaxy inspired by the astrological signs.

The Review

“I never saw the Zodiac as a collection of multicolored pearls caught in the same necklace’s orbit—I saw us as one necklace. Each pearl has it’s purpose, but no one is more important than another, and every pearl is integral to the beauty of the whole, and to our calling ourselves a necklace at all.”

Zodiac is one of those books that immediately pulls you in due to the beautiful cover. Fortunately, even though this edition may be breathtaking, the inner content is even MORE appealing. They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but in this case, I think we can make an exception.

Zodiac had one of the most unique concepts for a plot that I have ever read. The author basically took an element from the textbooks of astrology, and weaved it into a story of her own. Yes, you read correctly, Ophiuchus is a real thing. Romina Russell really seemed to know her astrology too. I mean, in addition to the 13th sign, the traits of each house in the story seemed to be on point. Pisces, who are usually dreamy and compassionate are referred to as “spiritual”, while Libra’s who are often called diplomatic are referred to in Zodiac as favoring justice.

I really liked how the author made the symbols of each zodiac sign, truly represent each house. Our main character Rho is a Cancer, and as we all know, the symbol for this water sign is a crab. Rho’s home planet in Zodiac is made up of mostly water and each Cancrian is described as having curly blonde hair and sunbaked skin—fitting for a constellation in the shape of a crab.

The world building in Zodiac was well thought out and it showed right down to the very last detail.

 “I won’t stay silent anymore, not when speaking out can make a difference.”

Rho was one of those characters that made me ask myself why most females in YA can’t be more like her. While there WAS a minor love triangle, Rho did NOT let two boys sway any of her decisions.

When Rho was chosen to be the new guardian for Cancer she made an oath to do anything and everything in her power to protect her house. She was put into many difficult situations during her time as guardian, but it was the toughest one which really stood out from the rest. Once Rho realized what (or rather who) was the cause of all the attacks she immediately stepped up and went to warn the other planets in the Zodiac. While most refused to believe her she always managed to power through until she found someone who did.

“Those who think only in straight lines cannot see around a curve.”

I believe the message Russell was trying to convey is clear—always stand up for your own truth. But there was also an underlying message which said, you can believe in your truth but never let it sway you from the facts.

Amid mass homicide Rho was capable of staying true to herself even when no one else dared to believe her.

Now, if Rho was a powerful, well fleshed out character, Matthias was the complete opposite. To me, Matthias’s character just fell flat. He didn’t seem to have much personality and he never wanted to believe Rho, (which really made me angry) even when the truth was right in front of his face. Even though we met his parents, we never really learned much about his backstory. Ultimately, Matthias had an all-around boring personality.

 “You’re an everlasting flame that can’t be put out.”

Romina Russell is one of those authors that makes you want to keep reading. Her writing is just that beautiful. There was so much hidden symbolism in her words which ultimately boosted the enjoyment level as well. It was fun to read how she interpreted each zodiac sign in her own way. I often found myself saying, “Hysan’s character reminds me so much of my partner Kevin as they both possess those classic Libran traits”.

The only true weakness this book had was the pacing. This is a problem I often have with most books. Personally, I like to read something that is action packed from the very first scene, and while Zodiac was an amazing read, it took a while to get there. I can however promise you that Zodiac will leave you wanting more. Just like any good book should.

I hope you enjoyed reading this review!

Until next time,

The Garden of Read-En

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